Tuesday, October 21, 2014

FCB - Women’s Football Club wins 2nd Runner Up in MEZUFA Football Cup

FCB - Women’s Football Club wins 2nd Runner Up in MEZUFA Football Cup

(Topleft : Mr. C. Kurita, R. Espina, J. Gulle, C. Jopia, J.Niez, M. Mabunay, J. Taño, M. Barcenilla, G. Matulac, M. Labagala
 BottomLeft : L. Balasabas, J. Besario, A. Papalid, F. Paragoso, A. Rossel and C. Dagatan)

Founded and established on June 2014.

The team came into existence through the initiative of Mr. Chiharu Kurita (The FCB-Football Club Team Manager), and the undying effort of Mr. Mark Dexter Labagala (The FCB-WFC Coach who is likewise the FCB-MFC Team Captain) . Spearheaded by Gellie Matulac, the team debuted in joining  the 8th ECCP Football Cup held at Don Bosco Technological Center in Cebu City last June 29, 2014. It was an unfortunate event for a team comprised by a bunch of beginners. BUT motivated by such adversity, the FCB Football Club Women’s Team had its taste of vindication in joining and emerging as the 2nd Runner up (3rd Placer) in the recently concluded MEZUFA Football Cup held at Mactan Airbase in Lapu-lapu City last August 10, 17 and 31, 2014.

The team had a 2Win - 1Loss standing on the qualifying round held on the 2nd day of the cup – 17th of August.

They were defeated on their first game against Lexmark by a 1-0 score but made their way back on their succeeding games against Fairchild and Timex where Annalyn Rossel (of MIC Div.) and Claudine Dagatan (of COB Div.) both contributed a goal score respectively, thus, winning the games and qualifying the team for the finals.

The Championship round was a rainy and muddy struggle for the ladies who fought against very worthy opponents. Obtaining a 2Losses (against Lexmark and Lear) - 1Draw (against NKC) standing after the round robin, they battled with all their hearts on their 4th game against NKC-Team for the 2nd Runner -up title where they scored 2 goals made by again Claudine Dagatan and Miesal Barcenilla (of MAT Div.), which gave them the victory.

The ladies offer this success to the company’s management who have ever been very supportive to their needs.

Body pains, skinned knees, sprained ankles and bruised muscles were compensated with great pride.

“Individual talent wins games, Team work and unity wins championships.”

Too close to being the champions... Surely, they’ll nail it next time!

CONGRATULATIONS FCB- Women’s Football Club!


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